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Showing 73 - 96 of 108 items
  • UGENS TILBUD- AK 47 vedhæng + gratis twist chain
    AK 47 pendant, steel/gold

    Material 316L Surgical steel/gold Also called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any...

    kr499.00 kr599.00 -kr100.00
  • Muslimsk symbol, stort vedhæng
    Large pendant, Muslim symbol. Steel/gold

    Material 316L Surgical steel/goldAlso called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any problems.

    kr100.00 kr300.00 -kr200.00
  • Stort Aum vedhæng  med mønster.
    Large Aum pendant with pattern. Steel/gold

    Material 316L Surgical steel/goldAlso called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any problems.

    kr100.00 kr300.00 -kr200.00
  • Stort aum symbol, vedhæng, glimtende
    Large aum symbol, pendant, glittering. Steel/gold

    Material 316L Surgical steel/goldAlso called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any problems.

    kr100.00 kr300.00 -kr200.00
  • Stort vedhæng, tiger/tigertand
    Large pendant, tiger. steel/gold

    Material 316L Surgical steel/goldAlso called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any problems

    kr75.00 kr300.00 -kr225.00
  • Stort vedhæng, kors med kranie.
    Large pendant, cross with skull. Steel/gold

    Material 316L Surgical steel/goldAlso called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any problems.

    kr75.00 kr300.00 -kr225.00
  • Thin rolo chain, 2 mm thick, 45 cm long. Steel/gold

    Material 316L Surgical steel/gold Also called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any...

    kr100.00 kr150.00 -kr50.00
  • Herringbone, flad ekstra shiny kæde. 5mm tyk, 50 cm lang
    Herringbone, flat extra shiny chain. 5 mm thick, 50 cm...

    Material 316L Surgical steel/gold Also called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any...

    kr499.00 kr699.00 -kr200.00
  • Herringbone, flad shiny kæde. 6 mm tyk, 46 cm lang
    Herringbone, flat extra shiny chain. 6 mm thick, 46 cm...

    Material 316L Surgical steel/gold Also called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any...

    kr499.00 kr699.00 -kr200.00
  • Stort vedhæng, horus øje. Stål/guld
    Large pendant, eye of horus with stone. Steel/gold

    Material 316L Surgical steel/goldAlso called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any problems.

    kr499.00 kr624.00 -kr125.00
  • Large Jesus pendant, with stone. Steel/gold

    Material 316L Surgical steel/goldAlso called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any problems.

    kr499.00 kr549.00 -kr50.00
  • Stort vedhæng, livets tegn. stål/guld
    Large pendant, sign of life. steel/gold

    Pendant: sign of life/eye of Horus. Dimensions: 7x3.5 cm Surgical steel (everyone can tolerate surgical steel) Also called Edelstål. (stainless steel) These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any problems.

    kr499.00 kr624.00 -kr125.00
  • Stort vedhæng med slange
    Large pendant with snake and stone. Steel/gold

    Pendant: 6.5x3.5 cm large with stone Surgical steel (everyone can tolerate surgical steel) Also called Edelstål. (stainless steel) These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any problems

    kr499.00 kr624.00 -kr125.00
  • Stort firkantet vedhæng med sten og kors
    Large square pendant with stone and cross. Steel/gold

    Large square pendant with stone and cross Dimensions: 5.5 x 2.7 cm Surgical steel (everyone can tolerate surgical steel) These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any problems.

    kr499.00 kr624.00 -kr125.00
  • Herringbone kæde (flad) 6 mmtyk, 50 cm lang
    Herringbone chain (flat) 6 mm thick, 50 cm long. Steel/gold

    Material 316L Surgical steel/gold Also called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any...

    kr300.00 kr550.00 -kr250.00
  • Stort kors med sten stål/guld
    Large cross with stone steel/gold

    Material 316L Surgical steel/gold Also called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any...

    kr499.00 kr749.00 -kr250.00
  • Sort kæde, shiny. 4 mm tyk, 68 cm lang
    Black chain, shiny. 4 mm thick, 68 cm long. steel

    Material 316L Surgical steel/gold Also called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any...

    kr450.00 kr550.00 -kr100.00
  • Cable kæde Rødguld/stål, 7 mm tyk, 5 cm lang
    Anchor chain Red gold/steel, 7 mm thick, 50 cm long

    Material 316L Surgical steel/gold Also called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any...

    kr350.00 kr500.00 -kr150.00
  • Stort vedhæng, Champion, guld/stål
    Large pendant, Champion, gold/steel

    Material 316L Surgical steel/gold Also called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any...

    kr499.00 kr624.00 -kr125.00
  • Stor Hamsa hånd guld/stål
    Large Hamsa hand gold/steel

    Material 316L Surgical steel/gold Also called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any...

    kr499.00 kr624.00 -kr125.00
  • Stort sort kors i stål
    Large black cross in steel, including curb chain. Steel

    Material 316L Surgical steel/gold Also called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any...

    kr400.00 kr500.00 -kr100.00
  • Stort vedhæng med jesus, kæde kan vælges
    Large pendant with Jesus, Steel/gold. chain can be selected

    Material 316L Surgical steel/gold Also called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any...

    kr499.00 kr624.00 -kr125.00
  • Bracelet steel/gold 21 cm long

    Material 316L Surgical steel/gold Also called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any...

    kr150.00 kr200.00 -kr50.00
  • muslimsk symbol (stort vedhæng)
    Muslim symbol (large pendant) Steel/gold

    Material 316L Surgical steel/goldAlso called Edelstål. (stainless steel) stainless steel. Resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. All withstand surgical steel. These pieces of jewelry are the best alternative to solid gold. They can withstand water without the gold disappearing. You can wear them both in the pool and on the beach without any problems.

    kr499.00 kr624.00 -kr125.00

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